Setting Targets & Goals
How do you know that you've reached your destination if you don't know where you are going.
Let us support you in setting targets and goals to achieve your aims and objectives, we can advise on how to avoid the pitfalls and overcome the obstacles.
Evaluating where your business is now is a key component in identifying what growth looks like for your organisation. Our consultants can support you to view strategic objectives through the lense of a balanced scorecard. Explore how finance, customer, internal processes and capacity can influence growth to give your growth plans firm foundations.
With over 35 years experience in applying strategic planning toolkits to support strong business development (and some learning from challenges we encountered on our journey) we can help you develop the skills to analyse how external and internal factors might impact your plans for business growth.
Strengthen your chance of business growth success by getting ahead of the game through evaluation of competitor, supplier and buyer power or the threat of new entries into your marketplace. Our consultants can support you to consider each of these elements and put in place strategies to combat them.
The most fantastic business plans will fail without firm foundations in finance. We can support you with budgeting and forecasting and cash flow toolkit to ensure your business growth plans are underpinned by robust financial planning.
Monitoring and evaluating your business growth plan is key. Our team can support you in implementing meaningful key performance indicators (KPIs) that will enable you to monitor and measure success.
Operational leadership is key to business success. Considering how your own leadership style might influence the success of your business is key. We can work with you as a mentor to support your growth alongside that of your business.
Operational efficiency and excellence requires continuous improvement. When was the last time you evaluated your business processes? Our ‘fresh eyes approach’ will help evaluate how resource, people and financial management might be impacting your growth and your profit margin!
Have you a contingency plan in place to address potential risks to your organisation? We can work with you to consider types of risk and how to identify these, along with identification of risk mitigation strategies to minimise the impact of key risks.
People are central to your success as a business. Have your job descriptions, person specifications and induction and onboarding processes developed in line with your business growth? Call us to see how our team can help support you with key HR fundamentals.