Planning, Budgeting and Assurance
From business start up planning to budget support and business growth.
Independent internal assurance reviews for education settings.
Our consultants are experienced in managing and reviewing budgets from start up to more than £70m. From insight into how to structure your budget forecast to ongoing review to ensure you remain on track, our team can support you every step of the way.
Budget, Business Management Support
One day budget health check or general business management support. We offer single day or tailored packages of support to help you review your current budget, analysing current spend or helping you ‘sharpen that pencil’ to achieve value for money. Ideal for Headteachers new to post who wish to fully understand their budget in the comfort of their own school.
Bespoke or Desk-top Budget Review
We are not one size fits all, contact us to discuss a solution tailored to your needs, this can incorporate a visit or consist of entirely remote analysis of your budget position and potential efficiencies based on information provided by your organisation. This service can be extended to include a Budget Snapshot visit if required.
Business Management & Business Planning
Business Management Support and Business Plan preparation. Tailored service, be it one day a week to oversee your Business Management, a monthly or termly visit to support your budget monitoring or a single consultation to prepare for a proposed project or new business venture. Our Business Planning package includes analysis of market, risk and financials with three or five year budget plan. Cashflow forecasting available as an option.
Independent Internal Assurance
Our assurance recommendations will help you ensure your practice is compliant with the Academy Trust Handbook (ATH), as highlighted by our recommendation following our work with Staffordshire University Academies Trust (a 20 school trust). Contact us to find out more.