First and Foremost

What you prioritise becomes your priority!

Rebecca Beaver, Lead Consultant at RBMA is a very proud Mum whose daughter has secured a ‘First’ in her degree studies and recently purchased her own home.  Success does not come without sacrifice, and having watched our daughter work and study to secure the skills needed to gain a place on a SCITT at an Outstanding MAT, it is clear that to gain her ‘First’ whilst also saving to purchase her own home; study and work have been ‘Foremost’ for our daughter for some time! Prioritising work above play and study above socialising has paid off!

Whilst reflecting on this success and planning a celebratory meal for graduation day, reflections turn to what is currently ‘First and Foremost’ on my own agenda. I noted on recent face to face school support visits that my work dresses were a little tighter and observing friends and associates complete the London Marathon at the same age as myself, I have recently renewed my vow to put my health and fitness ‘First and Foremost’.

What is ‘First and Foremost’ in your life today? What are you putting before anything else in rank, importance, or position in your life? Is it gaining you the outcomes that you hope to achieve? If not, now is your opportunity to reflect, renew and vow to invest in your future by determining what is ‘First and Foremost’ on your agenda today.